Monday, February 21, 2011
Thursday, January 14, 2010
You never know what you're going to get!
"What are we doing tonight?"
"Why are there no chairs set up?"
"Josh, you look funny!"
Student ministry is definitely interesting! I've been at it a year and a half, not real long by any means, but I still never know what I'm going to get. Sometimes students are drawing mustaches on each others faces in highlighter. Sometimes they are wearing clothes or glasses to get attention. Sometimes they're having a good day, and you can laugh and joke. Sometimes, they're having a bad day, and are totally different people. Anyway, I never seem to know what I'm going to get.
Last night was no exception. Youth group was filled with excitement, some good, some bad. Afterward, one more surprise was thrown my way.
A group of students were gathered in a circle and said, "Josh, come 'ere." "Okay." I said, not knowing what they were up to, or what to expect. I stepped into the circle, and they said, "We just want to pray for you." They proceeded to thank God for bringing me to CCC, saying they were lucky to have me. They prayed for me to have strength to deal with students, to run my half marathon, and just in general for me. It was truly a blessing.
Without even knowing it, they were fulfilling Hebrews 13.17, making my job a joy, not a burden.
You never know what you're going to get in student ministry! But not all of the surprises are bad, or weird. Some of them are tremendously encouraging, and refreshing, and for those surprises I'm thankful.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Press on to know him
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
What to render to God?
Just a simple thought this morning. Actually the Psalmist thought it first, and recorded it in Psalm 116.12. He says, "What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me?" First reactions are: Well of course you give some money, most people call that the tithe. You give him some of your time, especially making church a priority. We read our Bibles and pray, and call that our rendered services to God (even though those are more gifts FROM God than gifts we give to him).
All of these are good, we should give God those. But the point I want to make, is how often do we think about what we could give? How often do we ponder it, get creative, think about how MUCH we can give God? I mean, really think about how big God is, and then how small you are. In this advent season, think about Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love that are given through Jesus, but even more, in Jesus as He embodies all four of those grand ideas. We have been given Grace! We have the Scriptures! How could we thank God enough? What can we render to God for all his benefits? He heals our diseases, forgives sin, renews us, comforts us, convicts us. What can we render to God?
Don't let the normal answers suffice. If we give him time, how can we give him more time, better time? If we give him money, how can we give more, make more of a sacrifice? If we give him praise, how can we make our God more famous?
Take two quick moments right now. First, just stop and think about the grandness of God. Ponder it. Mull it over. Dwell on it.
Now think about what you can give back to him because of that greatness-just simply because there is no other response that will work.
God has truly been great to us. He has given us so much, and when we don't deserve a single bit of it. What can you render to God today for all his benefits?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
A good Christian life
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A Guy named Rocky
So I'm sitting at the downstairs bar top after having take a shower in an 8ft by 4ft sauna/shower, sitting next to the pool table, with a poker table in the corner, in the same room as the 100+ inch t.v. screen, next to the workout room!
We're up here in Louisville, KY, at the home of Rocky. We got in last night, greeted with such a warm hospitality. Coffee, brownies, pumpkin cake, and so much more. The house tour was pretty cool, just because everything was so nice. This is seriously as multi-million dollar home. One Lexus, two BMW's, at least six bathrooms, and I don't know how many bedrooms.
As welcoming as the hospitality, what tops it all in Rocky's story. He became a Christian 2 years ago, was baptized one year ago, and is combusting in a ball of fire. He has definitely, as it's been said, "been ruined by Jesus." One of Rocky's friends told him, "Wow it must be nice being retired, you can play golf all the time." But Rocky doesn't play golf. He's so involved in church, he's leading Bible studies–one in particular of nine friends, all of whom weren't Christians! Talk about an influential person. Two of them were recently baptized, and I fully expect they won't be the last.
I said that Rocky doesn't play golf. That's not entirely true. A couple of months ago, he played a Pebble Beach with a friend. Yes Pebble Beach. Anyway, they got a caddie and started their game. Through conversation Rocky found out the caddie had a pretty troubled life–drugs, alcohol, pornography–a lot like many American men. He said, "Rocky, I have a problem." to which Rocky replied, "You don't have a problem, you just need God!" This began a long conversation that whole day, and the next when they played another round of golf. There are pictures of Rocky and this caddie, Tommy, walking with Rocky right up in his ear. He's just exploding with passion from Christ.
Well, even though Rocky is in the East Coast, and Tommy is on the West Coast, they kept in touch. Rocky told him he was going to mail him a package with a book to read, and other material to try to get Tommy to realize his need for God. It was a long time in getting their, way to long. It didn't make sense that a package would take three weeks to arrive, when 5-7 days was the limit. One day, Rocky called Tommy at 10am (7am California time) and he actually answered. When they spoke again, Rocky found out that Tommy had been on a five day binge on drugs and alcohol, and was looking up online how to kill himself. Right before Rocky had called, Tommy's son had called saying, "You have a package here (at his divorce's house) from Rocky." "Son, just keep that safe," Tommy replied, "that's from a special man!" It also came out in the conversation that it had to be God working through the timing and the phone calls. Tommy gave his life to Christ, and is now attending support groups at a local church and learning the Way of following Christ.
Rocky has a business background, a history of Catholocism, and 56 years of life without Christ. He may have had all the toys, maybe even more before Christ. But they all pale in comparison to his joy, excitement, and just straight up pure passion for Christ and his glory and fame. He has a sales background, so much of his philosophy is, "I have the best thing in the world, and you need it." While this may come across "pushy" to some people, he's right. He doesn't just say that he has the best thing either. He lives it, passionately. His eyes burn with fire whenever he tells you about anything, seriously, anything that has to do with God, or the work he is doing for God.
I heard it said recently, "Transformed lives transform lives." Rocky is just one example. His life has been turned upside down by Christ, and he's doing the same in the lives of others.