Recently, I've been talking to people who are hurting, and for a variety of reasons. Some are wearied because of something they are doing, or not doing for that matter. Others are weary because something is happening to them. Some are weary because someone else in their life has disappointed them, and they just don't know what to do. There are others that don't know they are burdened...they think they are doing fine because they read their Bible all the time, and have some sort of prayer life, and give a little money to the church. The problem is that they are doing those things out of selfishness–they want to impress men. They are burdened by their own holiness as they rely on what they do, instead of what Jesus has done.
There are so many that are weary and burdened. Some know it, others don't. Some are burdened by bad things, others by good things. It's been said that everyone is either in the midst of a trial, just getting out of one, or getting ready to enter one. Wherever you are today, realize that Jesus calls ALL to come to him. He will give ALL rest from whatever is holding them down.
I guess there are just two questions:
1. What wearies you? Something bad, from yourself, someone else, a good thing you do?
2. Do you trust that Jesus is powerful enough to relieve those burdens, both good and bad?