Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Come to me, ALL...

This morning I read Matthew 11.28-30, a familiar passage to many Christians. It's the one where Jesus says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Now I've read this verse many times before, but this morning it really hit me again.
Recently, I've been talking to people who are hurting, and for a variety of reasons. Some are wearied because of something they are doing, or not doing for that matter. Others are weary because something is happening to them. Some are weary because someone else in their life has disappointed them, and they just don't know what to do. There are others that don't know they are burdened...they think they are doing fine because they read their Bible all the time, and have some sort of prayer life, and give a little money to the church. The problem is that they are doing those things out of selfishness–they want to impress men. They are burdened by their own holiness as they rely on what they do, instead of what Jesus has done.
There are so many that are weary and burdened. Some know it, others don't. Some are burdened by bad things, others by good things. It's been said that everyone is either in the midst of a trial, just getting out of one, or getting ready to enter one. Wherever you are today, realize that Jesus calls ALL to come to him. He will give ALL rest from whatever is holding them down.
I guess there are just two questions:
1. What wearies you? Something bad, from yourself, someone else, a good thing you do?
2. Do you trust that Jesus is powerful enough to relieve those burdens, both good and bad?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

For those who care...or maybe just me.

Last night I was talking to a good friend about how I hadn't done this whole blog thing in awhile. She read a few of my posts last night; probably the first to do so in awhile. So if you're reading this again today Sasha, hope you enjoy it. Here goes.
A lot has happened since march 13th, 2009. It's been good for the most part. Among other things I travelled to four countries following in the footsteps of the Apostle Paul, learning from his life and ministry. It was a life changing experience to see the seven churches of Revelation, Walk the Egnatian way, visit actual places where we know Paul stood, and just to see amazing touristy kinds of things. And the food was great too! Coffee, Baklava, Gelato, just to name a few. The people on the trip were great as well. All ages, from all around the US, and a few who I became pretty good friends with, one especially, so that's really cool.
The summer has definitely began here in Loganville. Kids are out of school, swimming, playing paintball or whatever. We have already been to a CIY conference to try to avoid the football camps that start up later in the summer. The conference was both and encouragement and a challenge for all the students and the adults.
Lately, I've been enjoying afternoons at the pool, or a round of disc golf, or a good netflix movie, or picking up a classic book–The Princess Bride. The days are longer and it stays lighter later which I love. I love summer, only if we could somehow change the 85% humidity we have almost constantly.
Like always, there is a mix of really good stuff, and some not so good. Sometimes people, or situations just let you down. But usually, if you look for it, you'll see God at work in people's lives. I'm grateful to be a part of his service. I'm also very grateful for the relationships I have in my life both new and old. The relationships that remind you that that's what life is all about. A friend celebrated a birthday today, another celebrated an anniversary this week, my parents celebrated theirs last week. A mentor and friend is getting married this fall, and another just got married last weekend. I've really enjoyed catching up with the old friends and talking late into the night with the new.
Anyway, for those of you who care, and might read this, there you go. My thoughts in 10 minutes or so. If no one reads this, at least I enjoyed writing it and being reminded once again that life always has ups and downs, but life is good.