Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What to render to God?

Just a simple thought this morning. Actually the Psalmist thought it first, and recorded it in Psalm 116.12. He says, "What shall I render to the Lord for all his benefits to me?" First reactions are: Well of course you give some money, most people call that the tithe. You give him some of your time, especially making church a priority. We read our Bibles and pray, and call that our rendered services to God (even though those are more gifts FROM God than gifts we give to him).

All of these are good, we should give God those. But the point I want to make, is how often do we think about what we could give? How often do we ponder it, get creative, think about how MUCH we can give God? I mean, really think about how big God is, and then how small you are. In this advent season, think about Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love that are given through Jesus, but even more, in Jesus as He embodies all four of those grand ideas. We have been given Grace! We have the Scriptures! How could we thank God enough? What can we render to God for all his benefits? He heals our diseases, forgives sin, renews us, comforts us, convicts us. What can we render to God?

Don't let the normal answers suffice. If we give him time, how can we give him more time, better time? If we give him money, how can we give more, make more of a sacrifice? If we give him praise, how can we make our God more famous?

Take two quick moments right now. First, just stop and think about the grandness of God. Ponder it. Mull it over. Dwell on it.

Now think about what you can give back to him because of that greatness-just simply because there is no other response that will work.

God has truly been great to us. He has given us so much, and when we don't deserve a single bit of it. What can you render to God today for all his benefits?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A good Christian life

So it's been awhile since I've written a blog post, but this morning got me thinking. Thanksgiving has come and gone, and amidst the busyness of the season hadn't read my Bible very much. I know, it's a lame excuse, but it's the truth. Anyway, I've been back in the word recently and today specifically reading in 1 Thessalonians, Paul urged that church to live lives worthy of God, who calls us to his kingdom and glory.
Not too often do we think in those terms about the Christian life-Kingdom and glory. Most of the time we think about being a good person, reading our Bible, praying, not stealing, just being an all-around good person. We like to think of ourselves as being clean, both physically and spiritually as Christians. Often the idea of being a good Christian has to do with wearing Sunday best-like a suit, or your nice dress. Going to church is also a big thing. Or "having a church." You might only go to it once or twice a year, but it's "your church" and you are suddenly a good Christian because you have a church and you wear some good looking clothes.
But is that really what living a good Christian life is all about? I mean Paul writes of Kingdom, and Glory. How often do we think in these terms for our lives?
We serve a King, who rules a Kingdom. He rules with an iron scepter, and he is the Lion of the tribe of Judah! He has conquered sin and death! He has been given the name above every name, and at his feet, every knee will bow. We serve a King! We serve a King who has began the process of rescue through his death and resurrection on the cross, and will one day complete the process of rescue by returning for his followers. He will return with eyes blazing and a sword coming out of his mouth! We are part of a Kingdom.
Our God also has glory. Angels bow before him, and multitudes scream out "holy, holy, holy!" Our God spoke this world into existence, and holds the world together by the power of his word. He has no beginning and no end. And he has called us to be a part of his life. He has offered this incredible life to us-eternal life-life with no end! And yet, so much of the time, we settle for the good Christian life that we're used to.
Today, think about those two words: Kingdom and Glory. God has called us to his Kingdom and to his Glory, and to live lives worthy of him. That is much more than a "Sunday best" kind of Christian life. This is a Christian life worth living!