Thursday, January 14, 2010

You never know what you're going to get!

"What are we doing tonight?"

"Why are there no chairs set up?"

"Josh, you look funny!"

Student ministry is definitely interesting! I've been at it a year and a half, not real long by any means, but I still never know what I'm going to get. Sometimes students are drawing mustaches on each others faces in highlighter. Sometimes they are wearing clothes or glasses to get attention. Sometimes they're having a good day, and you can laugh and joke. Sometimes, they're having a bad day, and are totally different people. Anyway, I never seem to know what I'm going to get.

Last night was no exception. Youth group was filled with excitement, some good, some bad. Afterward, one more surprise was thrown my way.

A group of students were gathered in a circle and said, "Josh, come 'ere." "Okay." I said, not knowing what they were up to, or what to expect. I stepped into the circle, and they said, "We just want to pray for you." They proceeded to thank God for bringing me to CCC, saying they were lucky to have me. They prayed for me to have strength to deal with students, to run my half marathon, and just in general for me. It was truly a blessing.

Without even knowing it, they were fulfilling Hebrews 13.17, making my job a joy, not a burden.

You never know what you're going to get in student ministry! But not all of the surprises are bad, or weird. Some of them are tremendously encouraging, and refreshing, and for those surprises I'm thankful.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Press on to know him

Why does a new year bring up so much thought? Why does simply turning the page on a calendar (which is done 11 other times during the same year) make everything feel so different? It seems to though. The beginnings of New Years are always times for me to evaluate the year before, and look ahead toward the one upcoming.

Despite some of the negative stuff that happened economically or otherwise in 2009, I had some good memories too. I read several books, I read the Bible in 90 days, I got to travel all over the place-Seattle, Spokane, San Antonio, Mexico, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Joplin, and Topeka! One of my fondest memories was beginning and continuing a relationship with my girlfriend Sasha. Oh, and one last memory, I ran a 5k and got second!

All these were great accomplishments and tons of fun, but I still have to press on this year to go deeper and do more. I can't just stop saying, "I think that's good enough." If I thought, "I've read enough books in 2009, no more are needed in 2010" it wouldn't be too long before I wasn't learning anything new, or growing in any way at all. If I thought once through the Bible was good enough, it wouldn't be too long before my relationship with God was dry and stale. If I thought one race was good enough, and no exercise was needed, I would get out of shape pretty quickly. And the same goes for the rest. If I want to be a good boyfriend and continue my relationship with Sasha, I must keep it fresh, and press on to know her further. If I want to be a person of travel, I can't just stay where I am. That's no way to see the world, and experience different people and cultures!

If we can't do that with other areas in our lives, then we certainly can't do that with God. Whatever you do, do just settle on the amount of knowledge you had about God, or the depth of relationship you had with God in 2009. Don't ever get to a point where you say, "That's good enough." Press on to know him. Know him more. Know him better. Read, study, pray, serve. Press on to know him.

So how are you going to do it this year? It's up to you to keep it fresh, to press on. He is almighty God, the most worthy of all our pursuits! Don't miss him. You'll regret it!