Monday, February 21, 2011


So it's been awhile since I've written. But something happened recently that is definitely worth sharing.

Our church recently did a 24-hour prayer vigil. We prayed for our church, our surrounding schools, our elders, the world, each other's prayer requests, and so much more. I've talked to several people who were a part of it and they were just overwhelmed. They said there was just something you could "feel" as you went in the room. The presence of God was almost tangible.

Now we know that the back room of our teen center has nothing special about it. It's just a room. But God's people met with him there. They bore their hearts for their family, for our church, for God's world. We cried out to him to heal us, and to make us one. And I can tell you, when I walked into the room after people had prayed for 22 hours before me, it was definitely a powerful experience. The prayers were all around. Some written in notebooks. Some on post it notes on the wall.

Almost everyone who went in said that the 30 minutes went by so fast and it wasn't long enough. What a powerful story to tell. When we truly decide to seek God, to make him a priority in our lives, the time flies by, and we just can't get enough. Many people hung around after their "slot" was through because they were still praying.

Over the next days and weeks, I'd like to post some of these prayers so our church family can hear what was lifted up to God on their behalf. It was a tremendous encouragement to me, and I hope it will be to you as well.

"O Lord, May you be the head of your church, and we be your hands, feet and tongue. Help us to love each other and be a light to others in this dark world. In Jesus name, Amen."

Keep on praying church, and may our Lord Jesus be our greatest desire.