Sunday, April 13, 2008


Basically I just stumbled into this picture tonight and was reminded once more that graduation is so close. I thought I would share it with you all. Hope you enjoy it!

Buying a house

Okay, growing up is weird. I'm graduating in two months and hope to be buying a townhouse down in Loganville. In the past two days, I have purchased a loveseat, a living room chair, dining room table with four chairs. They are all second hand and definitely used, but they came at a good price, and at least I have something now.
It's kinda weird, you know, becoming domesticated. Parts of it are fun, but parts of it are scary. I still have a pretty long list of what people would suggest you need for your first time in a house out on your own. I know a few things though. I know that Corinth Christian Church is very good about taking care of its people. They are so good! I also know that I have a God who cares for even the lillies of the field, the sparrow, the wind and waves, sun, moon and stars. I think he can manage a little time for me. He is more than capable and willing.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's been awhile

Well, it's been like a year and a half and I finally got back on my site. It's pretty weird, going back, but anyway, I thought that I would just update anyone who sees this as to what's going on in my life.
Here in two short months, I will be moving thirteen hours away to a place called Loganville Georgia. I will be working at a church their called Corinth Christian Church. It's a really neat opportunity, and I'm excited about it. However, I'm also nervous because it's change. It's always easier to just stay the same where you're comfortable you know. I guess change is when you grow the most and realize the most that your strength doesn't come from yourself.
Now it's just finishing up school which I am more and more ready to be done with. I'm ready in a lot of ways to just be living in the real world and realizing all over again that life is still good, even though it's hard sometimes.