Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Change sucks. But change is good. Change will stretch us and grow us into the people God is shaping us to be. I'm processing all of this right now because in one month I'll experience the biggest change of my life so far. I'm moving thirteen hours away, and it's going to be hard to say goodbye to relationships here--old and new. I'm confident that this is where God is leading right now, and I feel very good about this chapter of my life, but that doesn't make it easy. As a youth minister, I will be involved in students lives who are hurting and need hope. They are often confused, and rebellious, and far too often I feel like I don't have big enough eyes to see their hurt, and a big enough heart to feel it like I should.
My only hope is that God would open up my eyes and my heart, and work through me in such a way that it is obvious it is Him and not me.
My life is changing very much in the upcoming months. But some things never change--like a God who is faithful and who loves us. This reminds me of the very title of this blog. No matter what life throws at us, life is still good, because we are not ultimately in control. Change is good!

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