Sunday, January 4, 2009

Transition Sunday

I am currently sitting in my office here at Corinth Christian Church, about 45 minutes before the big transition from Don Hardison to Adam Turner as Senior minister of our church. Adam will actually be called the preaching minister I think, but whatever. It's a big day with people buzzing around like crazy and I'm sure emotions are all over the map. Many are ready for this day, and have been ready, not because the don't like Don, but just because they are excited for the future here.
There is going to be an actual torch that is passed, special music, a meal afterward. Quite a production. But what would you expect after on man served a church for 42 years. A Wonderful testimony of faithfulness. I'm glad to be able to be a part of it.
Now the time ahead approaches. How will we as Corinth Christian Church go into this new time ahead? How will we still affect our community? How will we grow, both numerically and spiritually and relationally with each other. Only time will tell, but we as the leaders are confident that God has amazing stuff in store for us here. We only need to be faithful. Well, I better sign off so I can go be a part of everything going on. Until next time...

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