Tuesday, July 29, 2008


So I was getting ready for a youth group lesson about the Incarnation of Jesus and asking questions like--what is it exactly, why do we need it, what makes it so amazing? One observation that I came across that I had never thought of before was from Genesis 3.8 when God was walking in the Garden. I mean, I had noticed that before, but never thought about it in this certain way. See I had also been reading Scriptures like Col. 2.9, "The fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form..." Then Phil. 3.21 speaks of of our bodies being transformed into a body like Jesus' glorious body. Hebrews also speaks of a mediator, which is Jesus, that has to be a man so he can understand fully the situation that man finds himself in.
Anyway, what I'm am getting at in a roundabout way is that Jesus is still living incarnationally--fully God and fully man. Paul writes that the fullness of the Deity lives--currently--in bodily form! It seems to me that one thing that the Incarnation does is start the restoration process to get back to Eden. There was once a time when God walked in the Garden and Adam and Eve heard him. I'm not sure exactly what that was like, but what if he was in human form--incarnationally fully God and fully man. What if Jesus coming to our level--taking on a body, dealing with sin, and identifying as our perfect high priest is part of the restoration process to redeem this broken and fallen world.
Pretty cool to think about. Jesus is reigning as fully God and fully man--Incarnationally. Through Him we ar on our way back to Eden--to the perfect dwelling!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Mixed Emotions

Well, I am about a month and a half close to two months on the job here at Corinth Christian. For the most part things are going well. I'm enjoying people, making new friends, watching new movies, getting settled in a house, learning to cook, and being domesticated. I'm getting used to life as an adult.
Last night at youth group two things happened. First, before it started, three girls from the group gave me a not that was filled with encouragement. They all said that I was doing a good job and they enjoyed having me here and that they hoped that I was enjoying myself and liking them as well. That felt pretty good--to have someone tell you that you are awesome.
But then later in the middle of youth group, I was preaching and right after I made a historical claim, I heard someone whisper (but loudly) "that's not true." Now, if it was just an ordinary kid, it wouldn't have made me nervous. The problem is, this kid is super smart, probably on the level of a genius. It really made me think hard about what I was saying. I trust this kids knowledge. It made me realize that I have to be on the top of my game and I can't just make a claim because it sounds like it should be true or because I read it somewhere. I need to make sure I've documented everything and done very careful study and research.
Now, it could have just been a misunderstanding between what I said and how they heard it, because I did a little more research today and I feel like I was right--it might have just came out wrong. Nevertheless, talking about Jesus and making claim for Him and in His name is a big deal.
All in all though, I am happy. I am learning new things all the time. They are stressfull to the max sometimes--people telling me that they want to do what they can to help. I don't know if they really mean it, or if they just want to keep an eye out. Plus, everyone has their own ideas about how things need to be done, or how they have been done in the past, and I've only been here a month. It's becoming more and more my home though. Last night at youth group, I was the most myselft I've been here yet. I was nice.
Anyway, enough for now, I'm going to go eat lunch!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Why pray...especially in groups

If God already knows what we need, why pray? Why go before the all-knowing God of the universe with the facts and requests of our menial lives. In addition, yesterday, someone asked me "why do you pray in groups. I find it easier to pray and easier to focus when it's just me and God"--plus we all could pray at the same time rather than just listening while the others pray.
It was a question that no one had asked me before for sure. At first I was blown away, and shocked but then gained composure and answered the best I knew how. I said as a community we are a body, each not complete without the others. We learn more about God and each other as we approach him together. God has given us passion about different things, and when we pray we learn the broader picture of God. I also tried to paint the picture of him learning about his father and loving his father more deeply while simply listening to him interact with his mother, or his brothers. He would see different sides of his father and get to know him better simply by watching him interact with others.
Anyway, this is just one example of how I am learning a lot at this time in my life. If you read this, please post a response to the question--why pray in groups, or even more generally--why pray at all. I want to get a broad perspective. Thanks. Untill next time...