Saturday, August 30, 2008

Friday Night Footbal

Last night was the first game of the Loganville Red-Devils football season. They were playing a team that was supposed to beat them pretty badly. However, Loganville pulled it out in overtime 29-28. It was cool to experience the local fun. More and more this is becoming home for me. It's really not been that bad of a transition. I'm not too homesick or anything. God has brought a fair amount of friends into my life, for which I am incredibly grateful.
Last night I noticed something. Most of the youth group was at the game. They were enjoying themselves and their friends. I'm sitting here at Starbucks writing this and Starbucks is once again (as usual) pretty busy with a fairly large crowd. What is it about these places, these events that cause people to be such a part of that community? What is it about high school football that brings so many people together. Why is the team so big when many don't even step on the field to play. Why are they commited to it? Why do people sacrifice their money at Starbucks for a drink they could make at their house for a small fraction of the price?
There is just something about the community of the football team--even being in the audience. We are called to something bigger than ourselves, and we start saying things like, "We have the ball our 40 yard line." Why do we say "We?" I'm not out there. But somehow I belong to the team. There is comraderie. Even at Starbucks, there is some sense of this community that brings people together.

What can the church learn from these places? I'm not really sure. There is something about high school football and Starbucks though. There is just somethng that brings people together and calls them to commitment. All those guys have to pay the price every day in practice and most don't even step on the field. Why do they still go? Somehow they believe, (and know) that what they do is important. They are part of something bigger than themselves.

Well I guess that's enough for now. Just stuff to think about. I have to go to a funeral now, and then get ready to have some friends over for dinner tonight. Untill next time...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

growing up

Well, today I ordered business cards and personal postcards online. Pretty cool. I got to upload my own design. I'm excited for them to come in. They are simple, with only my name on them. Then I can write whatever else I want to on them.
Other than that, earlier this week I bought a card table with folding chairs. It's weird that I would buy something like that but I'm domesticated now. I also get excited about grocery shopping, which is weird as well.
These things make me think of when I was younger. I had bunches of homework and I thought my life was pretty crazy busy. I remember thinking, "Wow, I can't wait till my life is like yours Mom. Then I can just work from 9-5 and be done. Forget homework and all the other stuff. My life will be much easier then." But now I'm here. I'm older, and I was way off base back when I was younger. However, even though it's stressful, it is good.
Okay, that's all for now. I'm sure I'll be back before long.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Birthday fun

Well, yesterday was my birthday and it was a good one. This was the first birthday that I spent away from Joplin, but I still felt the love of so many family and friends. I got something like 40 facebook messages, a couple of texts, several phone calls, including both my parents and my newlywed sister and my brother in law. I talked to a good friend on the phone for 30 minutes and received a couple of cards as well. I also received hotwheels from a six-year old and candles from a four year old. Oh, and I got two cakes. So all in all, it was an awesome day. These are truly the best presents anyway, more than money and all the other stuff, just the communication with people you love and knowing that they love you is pretty cool.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well, I am now in Joplin MO, arriving safely after an all night drive from Loganville GA. It took about 12 hours, two of which I slept. I just woke up from a nap back down in my old room in the basement. Already I've got right back into the swing of things--eating breakfast homemade by my mom, playing with Cali, our little dog, and tonight we are going to have some more family time.
The reason I'm back for these few days is because Megan is getting married. I'm really excited for her, and super glad to be here. Jordan her fiance is great, and I like him a lot. He treats her well and they really love each other. It's good to be home...
However, there's a different feeling now. I still feel right at home wit my family, and there is always going to be an aspect about Joplin that is "home" but the feeling when we pulled in today was different. I knew that I would only be here for a few days. I'm a home owner in GA now, or least on my way to becoming one. I've made investments in the students in the youth group, and tried to make new friends and relationships in Loganville, whether that is at Starbucks, the grocery store, my neighborhood, or wherever. Home for me has started to change and in many ways has already, even after only two months, become Loganville, GA. I pay a mortgage, electric, water, and gas bills to companies in GA. The people I talk to every day live in Loganville. The students in the youth group that I'm thinking about, praying for, and hanging with are all here. The church body that I worship with is here. It's just different. There are parts that I love and parts that are really hard.
Home for me has changed, and that is really crazy.