Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well, I am now in Joplin MO, arriving safely after an all night drive from Loganville GA. It took about 12 hours, two of which I slept. I just woke up from a nap back down in my old room in the basement. Already I've got right back into the swing of things--eating breakfast homemade by my mom, playing with Cali, our little dog, and tonight we are going to have some more family time.
The reason I'm back for these few days is because Megan is getting married. I'm really excited for her, and super glad to be here. Jordan her fiance is great, and I like him a lot. He treats her well and they really love each other. It's good to be home...
However, there's a different feeling now. I still feel right at home wit my family, and there is always going to be an aspect about Joplin that is "home" but the feeling when we pulled in today was different. I knew that I would only be here for a few days. I'm a home owner in GA now, or least on my way to becoming one. I've made investments in the students in the youth group, and tried to make new friends and relationships in Loganville, whether that is at Starbucks, the grocery store, my neighborhood, or wherever. Home for me has started to change and in many ways has already, even after only two months, become Loganville, GA. I pay a mortgage, electric, water, and gas bills to companies in GA. The people I talk to every day live in Loganville. The students in the youth group that I'm thinking about, praying for, and hanging with are all here. The church body that I worship with is here. It's just different. There are parts that I love and parts that are really hard.
Home for me has changed, and that is really crazy.

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