Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm just lucky I guess

This past week I've found out about two really cool opportunities. First, I've been invited to be a representative at a conference to promote a new book. This is a conference that I already wanted to go to, but it gets better. They are going to pay me $100 to go and volunteer. The only thing I'll have to do is adjust my day off at work and go. It will be pretty cool.
The other thing is a CIY planning session for the MOVE summer conference. I've been invited to help plan and evaluate so next year will be better. What's so great about this is that CIY is located in Joplin where my family lives. I'll get to see them again, plus many Ozark friends that I miss. That will be really neat. I just have to make sure my bases are covered at church. That shouldn't be a problem--I already have preliminary plans.
Beyond that, I continue to grow and be stretched. Last night after youth group a girl asked "You said that God wins in the end. Does Satan know he is going to lose?" That made me wonder where in scripture points to that fact. Sometimes ministry is hard. Alot of the time I just hope that what I am doing is accomplishing what I intend it to. I just want these students to grow up into mature Christian adults who know how to take care of their own spiritual lives. I want it to be so much more than just something we do on Sundays because we've always done it. I want it to be so much more than just a Lion's Club. Our communities need to be intentionally focused on Jesus.
Tonight I plan on going to a JV football game and then on to my soccer game. Life continues to be good even though there is so much that is also hard and stretching. Well, untill next time.

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