Thursday, September 4, 2008

Life and Ministry

Well, just to catch up on what's been going on recently. Today I woke up at 5:30 to leave at 6:00am for the hospital in Atlanta to see one of our youth group girls who was having a procedure. She was really glad that I was there. It was definitely an investment in my ministry, but a short night. My attitude about it started out good, then changed to aggravated, but then changed back to good after I got back about 10:00. They gave her "loopy medicine" which took awhile to take effect, but once it did, it was really funny. At one point, she turned over from lying on her back to getting on her hands and knees on her bed and putting her face into the pillow! Lot's of fun.
Last night was also a first for me. I led the youth band for the first time. Things went well. No major problems. My microphone lost battery power right at the beginning, so Jennifer ran and got new batteries and replaced my mike halfway through the first song. We've only practiced twice, so I was overall pleased.
Also, last night I had a video chat session via skype with 1st floor Williamson. That's the floor I lived on for three years in College and was RA for two of those year. I really loved that place and those guys. It was really cool to see them.
Other than that, just still learning and adjusting to life in GA. It's familiar now, yet still new. It's home in most ways, but still new in many as well. I'm going to dive back into an N.T. Wright book now. Wish me luck!

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